Due to the influence, the ship time has been adjusted.

Due to the influence, the ship time has been adjusted.

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I can't tell you how fortunate I am that the flight lasted 5 days. If the flight was canceled on the 5th, you will probably be stuck in Ulleungdo until the 6th or 7th.

Vessel control regulations 1. (Understanding the status of departure and entry into port) ① The head of the reporting organization records the status of departure and entry of the vessel in the “departure and entry record book” according to the format in Appendix 4, and records the following matters every day at 09:00.

Ship control: Latest trends and strategies for safety and efficiency Ship control is an important element related to ship operation and safety, and is a system required to prevent marine accidents and efficiently manage ship operations.

Seaflower's departure from Hupo is canceled on Monday, May 17th. Because the weather was very bad, the departure from Hupo was canceled, and the Seaflower, which entered port 2 on Sunday, was docked at Ulleungdo, so the Dokdo itinerary and Hupo were canceled.

Vessel control regulations have been deleted. And as the Fishing Vessel Safety and Fishing Act was newly established, the vessel control regulations were also significantly changed, and the name was changed to the Fishing Vessel Entry and Port Report Management Rules. (Enforced on August 28, 2020)

Rope and Command – Mystery of the Uiam Lake Ship Sinking Last summer of 2020, when record-breaking heavy rain poured down on the Korean Peninsula. Uiamho Lake, an artificial lake in Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, has seen water levels rise and currents rise as the nearby dam gates are opened.

Restrictions on boat use have been extended for tourists. Even if you come during the week, you must wear a mask. The island residents are afraid, so please be considerate. If possible, please refrain from flower viewing this year and stabilize the situation.

First hosted by the Navy, the first planning meeting for '2020 Bell Buoy Exercise'... A large number of related organizations participated - sharing plans to develop ship control and protection work. 2020 Bell Buoy Exercise held at the Navy's 3rd Fleet on July 30, 2019.

Fleet discusses ways to develop meetings with related organizations 휴게텔 for 'ship control and protection' Laying the foundation for successful hosting of Bell Buoy exercises in 2020 Navy's 3rd Fleet Command plans to strengthen collaboration with organizations related to ship control and protection

Strengthening vessel safety in emergency situations In a vessel control and protection exercise conducted on the 18th, a 57,000-ton transport ship is entering port under 휴게텔">check here the guidance of a designated vessel. Unit provided by the Navy 3rd Fleet Command (3rd Fleet) on the 17th and 18th

Maritime Practice Law 【Problem 1】 Ship A (a Korean-flagged vessel whose navigation area is the ocean zone), B-ship (a Korean-flagged vessel whose maritime zone is the coastal zone), and C-ship (a foreign vessel of Panamanian nationality).

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